Monday, November 30, 2009
Pictures taken from national geographic website.. The first picture features a boy with a giant barb..the second one featuring a biologist with a gigantic stingray..taken in Cambodia.
According to the articles, the size of the giant barb is relative to a 2m (6 ft) man while the size of the giant stingray is 5m (16.5 ft) which can be relative to a size of a bus. OMG !!!
When I skim through the articles, what cross my mind was that...who will dare to have this for meals ?? I know people like food to be "upsize"..I think this is super super "upsize" .. I dun think people will dare to eat them when they look at the enormous size hee..
But to my surprise.. the article cited "The flesh of the giant barb has long been considered a delicacy among residents of the Mekong River Basin, and it is a popular eating and pickling option for the tens of millions of people who depend on the Mekong's aquatic fauna for food." ...Hmm....
Hee..i think if I were the fisherman who caught these fishes, I would have 1 year seafood feast ..2M leh..can be equivalent to X no years supply of fishes hee..
But my other concern will be ..why are fishes getting much bigger ? or rather how come it can happen ? Recently I spotted some ants at Pasir Ris Park which are far from the size that I used to see couple of years ago..hmm.. I thought can this be a "strike back" we know ants and fishes are small which lead them to be "vulnerable" ..Human eat fishes and step on ants for "defend or leisure"? (not appropriate words actually) will there be a day the fishes and ants "revenge" hmm....
I needed Jesus @ | 3:54 AM
Monday, November 23, 2009
I needed Jesus @ | 2:35 AM
Monday, November 16, 2009
*.* Be fair to the ducks and geese... stop eating foie gras ! *.*

Read the articles: ,
It will make you re-consider ordering foie gras (duck or geese liver)in the resturant..wat some people call it "delicacy".. I think it "cruelty"...Recently read the article in newspaper about it..Couldn't imagine human being are doing these...But like what the author has said.." what come around goes around..."..hopefully this can be ban and people will stop eating it..
I needed Jesus @ | 9:47 PM
*.* Are you aware of what is about to come ?? *.*
Finally have my term break...should be happy to take a break but was rather upset with myself for not doing the best I could for the exam paper..hopefully by God's grace I can still pass with good grade...I trust Him..=]
With only two month of term break aka "school holiday" (before school start again in Jan), I do intend to spend some time to meet up friends (hee they are also busy like me).. and most importantly, to go back to club on sat (which I just did last week)..miss those kids VERY MUCH..hmm I felt really bad to be absent from club a couple of weeks(due to work and studies..)
Went to watch 2012 with two pretty babes yesterday..I must admit that it's quite a good show ..though two and a half hr long..hee..didn't put me to sleep instead it builds my interest to do research on what the bible says about end of the world..hmm..been surfing nets to find out more..Anyway after watching the movie, it does make me wander if 2012 really mark the end of the world, what will most people do ? thing I thought was not realistic in the movie was that eventually there are people who survive from the disaster. ..hmm I thought if God really were to put an end in this world, no one could be able to survive eventually...anyway, as a christian, this movie sounded more like a "prompting" or a "reminder" of the second coming of christ..signs seems to have arld appeared ..
Some website that highlighted signs: I read the signs and warnings from the website.. I can't help worried for those who are still considered the "lost sheep"..I am also concern if I am prepare for his coming..In fact, I didn't know that things are happening while we are busy with our own daily routine and life..Are you aware of what is about to come???
I needed Jesus @ | 1:59 AM